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Introducing GG Giraffe - Our Club Mascot

Guildford-Greystanes Physie Club has long prided itself on its club family feel. Our amazing teachers, committee, members and their families are what makes our club so special.

You would have noticed us using GG Belles quite prominently in all our administrations.This is is our new slogan standing for:

Guidance. Growth . Belief

With Guidance comes Growth, with Growth comes Belief. Belief that you can do what ever you want, as long as you are willing to work hard and respect the process that is involved in achieving your goals.

Let's have a little think about what qualities make our club so special:

Unity / Team (together everyone achieves more)

* Selfless

* Working together

* There is no I in team

* Everyone has something to offer regardless of how big or small

* Get Involved

* Support the club and each other.

* Respects authority

* Genuine and humble

* Punctual

* Follows direction.


* Positive enthusiastic "Can do attitude"

* Desire to do well

* Have P-E-P (Pride, Enthusiasm, Passion)

* Satisfaction derived from one's achievements and also your team mates achievements

* Have a passion for our sport and a desire to do well.

Work Ethic

* Be Driven

* Be Focused

* Be Prepared

* Continually Improving


* Enjoy the friendships you make

* Always be kind and caring

* Be helpful

* Be mindful of others and their feelings


* We do not give up, Ever!

* Anything is possible

* Dream Big

* Accountability

* We will take responsibility for our commitments

These are the Qualities we want our members and their families to display, in class and at competition time.

We will be announcing a new value each month, and each week your teachers will choose a girl they feel is genuinely displaying this quality.

The girls will be able to take their GG Giraffe class mascot home over the weekend and are encouraged to take photos of GG with themselves displaying this quality in action. GG is not to keep, and will need to be returned the following week.

The photos will be posted to our weekly GG Giraffe blogs, for all to see and appreciate.

Let's see if we can make our club, the friendliest, most respectful club around.

Enjoy these Super Cute little GG Giraffes GG Belles.

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