A Zooming Success

You may have had a giggle if you saw this on the BJP Facebook page recently.
It was a shame when the COVID-19 restrictions meant we had to move on from our usual in-person class format and adapt to a new way of doing things, but our GG Belles have taken it in their stride. The online class format provided via Zoom has highlighted the dedication and flexibility (pun intended) of Physie girls. Even though we cannot physically attend classes, everyone is doing the best they can to keep up their Physie practice, including rearranging lounge rooms and marching in the backyard. There are some images of at-home classes shared by GG Belles at the end of the article.
Our devoted teachers are managing to keep things as normal as possible as they bring Physie to your home during isolation, with fun events such as the traditional Easter dress up, and Ladies' social catch-ups still going ahead via Zoom.
When asked for a comment about how it's going, Miss Ceinlys said, "Classes have been going really well! The move to online teaching has allowed for more routines to be completed while still having the opportunity to watch and have fun with the girls. It’s been awesome watching the girls pick up routines which we hadn’t done in class before so easily despite not being able to show them in person, especially since they are so young".
Our wonderful committee have put a lot of time and effort into setting up Zoom to facilitate the online lessons. If you have yet to attend an online class, or need more information, you can find helpful resources on the club website or Team App. Classes resume the week commencing Monday, 27th April. See the Team App for timetable details.
